Dundee is a Blue Merle with double blue eyes . He stands 13.5 lbs and is 17 lbs. Born Dec 16/ 2008 you sure wont know it. He was our first stud dog for Emberview's Toy Aussies coming from Oklahoma. Dundee is just the best dog obedient ( most time) Plays swims hikes Fly Ball Rally Showing herding our cattle and Sheep. You just couldn't ask for a better dog. He loves everyone and loves his car rides. He has been our foundation for looks and sizes and temperament. .He has created some beautiful puppies and still is.
Digger is a black tri with dark eyes. Digger is out of Poppy and Tex, he is a natural bob tail and throws bob tails also. He was born Au 20 2017. Digger is genetically clear. He is a fun loving little guy at 11.5" tall and 9 lbs., little finer bone than Max. Digger was to go to Australia but wasn't quite old enough to go with the crew that went so Tiny Scooters son took his place. Digger lives with his co owners The Annetts. He loves hanging out with people no real herding instinct but a fun little guy. Sometimes has a little to much to say. Digger loves to snuggle and a great ambassador to the Toy Australian Sheppard Breed. He is a couch potato and Netflix junkie.
Digger is a black tri with dark eyes. Digger is out of Poppy and Tex, he is a natural bob tail. Digger is clear by genetics. He is a fun loving little guy at 12" and 10 lbs.
Digger loves to snuggle and a great ambassador to the Toy Australian Sheppard Breed. He is a couch potato and Netflix junkie.
Digger loves people and other animals. Digger is in a co-owned home with The Annette's
Jax was born Apr 2021
Jax weighs 17 lbs Blue merle 2 blue eyes. Produces lots of blue eyes and natural bob tails
Jax is a sweet little guy out of Piper who was out of Allie both girls are now retired. Loves the other dogs and likes the puppies and likes people. Jax did the Christmas and Spring Pet Expo and just laid there sucking up all the pats all day long.
Rooster is a dark Red tri with 2 blue eyes and deep copper and white trim. Rooster is out of Chili and Stitch who is Juno brother full brother, He is a natural bob tail and can throw bob tails. He was born July 2023. Rooster is genetically clear. He is a fun loving little guy at 10.5" tall and 9 lbs and the moment not quite a year old yet. He loves hanging out with people no real herding instinct but a fun little guy. .Riley loves to snuggle and a great ambassador to the Toy Australian Shepherd Breed. Loves the Pet Expo and all the pats and greetings. He is a couch potato and Netflix junkie.
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